Monday, October 21, 2013


I consider myself endlessly lucky to have access to the Internet and technology. Through it I've found myself and have been able to join a new discourse of females young and old who strive to change the way we look and treat ourselves. I know having a social media profile removed is a 21st century privileged problem -- but it is the way a lot of us live. These profiles mimic our physical selves and a lot of the time are even more important. They are ways to connect with an audience, to start discussion, and to create change. --Petra Collins


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In love, our true nature, nothing is good or bad, wanted or unwanted. There are no negative energies or emotions, no evil people, no wrong choices, no problems, no struggle and no judgements.  Everything is accepted, what’s more welcomed, evenly.

Love cannot be forced. It comes naturally when we are attentive to something (or someone), experiencing it for what it is. Fear is nothing but the refusal to experience. When we are open and all resistance is dropped, we can see clearly that everything is love.


Monday, May 21, 2012

learning through Earth school. Being open to what is. learning throughout each experience. Serving others through your passions

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

seek the truth

... the Buddha asks humanity to see things as they really are and to think and act in helpful ways for all of life. He wanted people to experience the truth so that they wouldn’t be misled by sources of information that are not in compliance with the truth.
